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Instructions for After Your Tooth Extraction Procedure

After having an extraction performed, it is crucial to follow proper post-operative care instructions. Bluebonnet Oral Surgery and Implants is happy to provide you with detailed information on how to properly care for your oral health and ensure a swift recovery. From managing discomfort to maintaining oral hygiene, our aim is to support you every step of the way. So, let’s dive in and explore the essential aftercare instructions for a successful healing process.

patient and doctor

Blood Clotting After Extractions

Following a tooth extraction, it is crucial for a blood clot to develop to halt bleeding and initiate the healing phase. Therefore, we recommend biting on a gauze pad for 30-45 minutes post-appointment. If bleeding or oozing persists, apply another gauze pad and bite firmly for an additional 30 minutes, repeating if necessary. Once the blood clot has formed, it is vital to avoid disturbing or dislodging it, as it plays a key role in the healing process. Refrain from rinsing vigorously or using straws. Avoid smoking or consuming alcohol. Engaging in these activities can dislodge or dissolve the clot, impeding the healing process. Restrict intense exercise for the next 24 hours, as it may elevate blood pressure and lead to increased bleeding from the extraction site.

patient and dentist

Pain & Swelling After Your Extraction

Following the tooth extraction, you may experience pain and swelling. To minimize swelling, apply an ice pack or an unopened bag of frozen peas or corn to the area. Take prescribed pain medications and follow the recommended dosage. Typically, swelling begins to decrease after 48 hours. Adhere to the instructions for pain medication usage. If the medication appears ineffective, contact the office. For prescribed antibiotics, complete the full course, even if infection symptoms vanish. Stay hydrated and consume nutritious, soft foods on the extraction day. Stick to a soft food diet, using the unaffected side of your mouth if the surgery was unilateral. Gradually reintroduce a regular diet based on your comfort level.

Resuming Normal Activities & Dental Routines

Resuming your regular dental routine is crucial after 24 hours. Brush and floss your teeth at least once a day to expedite healing and maintain a fresh, clean mouth. Once a few days have passed, you should feel well enough to return to your normal activities. However, if you experience persistent heavy bleeding, severe pain, swelling lasting two to three days, or a reaction to the medication, promptly contact our office at 210-344-9898.

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